Monday, September 15, 2003

The reXume webapp works separately from GanttMagic now....

The multiple web app WAR files previously published for reXume have been consolidated into a single reXume.war which can be deployed on any web container and has been tested with Tomcat 4.1 (J2EE 1.3) and JRun3.0 (J2EE 1.2).

Also with this release, this reXume webapp may be deployed and used separately from the new release of the GanttMagic webapp. Previously the two had to be deployed within a single webapp to work properly.

This code is running and available online at where is runs on my old Pentium II system with RedHat6.x and JRun3 (so don't expect lightning speed).
The demo installation is found at this interactive resume page.

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